Principal's Desk
Man is created as a paragon of creation by the supreme power. He has got the power of learning and has changed from a mere animal to a civilized one by inculcating perpetual learning skills This implies that continuous learning emanating from education plays pivotal role in making him resourceful, purposeful and usable for the society This is the real aim of our institution also.
Man has gained control over the nature but still we can't deny the supremacy of the nature. All the holy books and scriptures remind us about the moral aspects of life but we have kept those thoughts over the shelves India has been a beacon of light for the world for showing others the path of religion and morality.
Our ancient universities of Nalanda and Patliputra created scholars of great repute like Kautilya in Economics and Susruta in Medicine, but they never used competition among the students to move ahead. Actually, those students were taught by the gurus the feelings of mutual help, of being complementary to one another. There was a spirit of sacrifice for the sake of justice and fair play. That is why our ancient societies were happy and prosperous. This is the motherland of Shri Ram and Shravan (the great devotee of parents), Shri Krishan and Chankay (the great diplomats), Aryabhatt (great mathematician and many great scientists. The names of Guru Nanak Mahatama Budh and Swami Vivekanand are prominent among great philosophers. Among the social reformers the name of Shri Dayanand Sarswati can be taken with great respect. But the current system of education in our country presents a gloomy picture as the educational institutions have merely become the factories of producing the stereotyped and corrupted individuals. Moral education is not our priority. It is not included in any syllabi-whether of science or humanities Morals or morality, broadly speaking, implies honesty of character, fairness in attitude and absence of evils like jealousy, hatred and greed from actions. Our system of education gives us formal knowledge of various types of subjects but does not teach us what is morality and how to bring the characteristics related to it in our mindset. Our schools, colleges and universities are churning out millions of young graduates every year who are experts in some field of science, art, commerce or technology. No teaching or training is given to the students on moral values What have been the results of this system of education? We have professionals in every field, but we have few people in society who have a high moral character. They are not taught how to serve the nation. They are not made aware of the happiness that one derives by working honestly and sincerely.
The atmosphere in our schools, colleges and other institutions of education is full of competition The students are taught to excel one another. Their competition, more often than not, becomes so intense that it leads to rivalries, jealousy and hatred among class-fellows.
While it cannot be denied that competition is necessary to achieve higher goals but is totally undesirable if it breeds ill feelings. If we have lost our own path what will we show to the world? We have to start from the grass-roots level to impart moral education on our children.
"Education without character is a social sin". Therefore, character building should be part of the educational curriculum. We should develop a culture of peace, which means the art of living together as good neighbours and friends. Education is a tri-polar process involving Teacher, Pupil and the Parents wherein the Teacher processes the Pupil and their interaction has a direct bearing on the society. They must teach the students to achieve their goals through hard work, The attitude of fairness and justice developed in childhood and teenage will lay the foundation of responsible citizens. If the pupils are trained along the lines of morality, they become the flag bearers of the society. I appreciate Sh. Krishan Ji Dhillon for his great thinking that he has invested his earned money for the noblest cause like education in his sacred birth place.
- Lajwanti Dhillon